Key Activities of EPPPA
- Advocacy
- Representation of members
- Protect members interest
- Awareness Creation and Sensitization among stakeholders and partners
- Policy dialogue to create enhanced business environment
- Enhance visibility of EPPPA
- Networking
- Create means of information exchange in vertical and horizontal direction with full accountability and transparency, in this regard the association website serves as an important media.
- Update members on the development and challenges
- In place efficient and effective communication mechanism with all stakeholders and partners
- Identification of possible strategic partners and supporters
- Resource mobilization from local and external sources
- Enhance participation on various meetings, workshops and Expo’s at local and international level
- Capacity building
- Strengthening of EPPPA as member based sector association
- Organize training and skill development programmes to fill the identified gaps
- Work in close consultation and collaboration with relevant bodies for knowledge and technology transfer that improves production and productivity within the poultry sector.